Friday, April 19, 2013

Sew Much Going On

First of all, it's been a strange week.  It's the first time there's been a major news story that we haven't had a TV.  Although we've had no trouble following all of the events in Boston on radio, online and for me especially, on Twitter, it's been very odd to not be able to turn on the news.  The radio coverage is such a different way to experience something of this magnitude.  There are no teary interviews with loved ones or witnesses.  No photos of victims.  No gory crime scenes.  Honestly, it's felt like a much higher quality of information and discussions. 

OK, so on to the fun stuff.  Watch out, I discovered and explored the Garment District!  It is a small area just south of Times Square that has blocks of door to door fabric stores and stores that sell anything you could possibly need for sewing.  I. Am. In. Heaven.

There are stores with walls and walls of just zippers.  There are stores with several floors of JUST spandex fabric.  At first I was so overwhelmed I didn't go inside any of them.  I just kept walking in awe of HOW MANY fabric stores there were.  Then I stepped in one and went wild.  I limited myself to just spending a $150 Visa gift card I had burning a hole in my pocket.  But I got a lot of good stuff.  I'm focusing on making some sundresses for Ella and perhaps for me, too.

I did finish a dress that I had started for myself last week.  It's made of a very soft, light Japanese double gauze fabric that I ordered online a couple weeks ago.  The pattern is from the same Simple Modern Sewing book that I made the spring top from.

I really love it and it's super soft and comfy.  If only it were warm enough to wear it...

When I got home from the Garment District I had about an hour before I had to pick up the kids at school so I quickly pulled together this hippy skirt for myself.  It's actually made of a soft t-shirt material.  Very un-New York.

Ella ended up going back to the hairdresser to get more cut off.  I'm not sure what the hairdresser doesn't understand about a bob because while she did take another couple inches off, I wouldn't call it a bob.  But Ella likes it, so that's all that matters, right?

Some random New York photos taken this week:

Taken without breaking a stride on my morning walk around the reservoir.

The kids on their scooters, zipping by Brownstones.

I can't tell you what's going on here.  They both have their own sense of style...

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