Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hitting the Slopes

I've been asked by a couple different loved ones to get back to a twice a week schedule with my updates.  Apparently, telling you all that Holden slammed feet first into a tree while sledding and then not hearing from me for almost two weeks was not very nice of me.


Our little daredevil is still limping slightly but doing much better.  He took it easy last week skipping all of his physical classes (swimming, Parkour) and didn't get to ski this last weekend with Kevin.  We did get to see an amazing one-man play called Oh Boy! with some of his homeschooling buddies though.  I loved it in part because the lead character was a gay man and it had nothing to do with the plot or story line.  He just was.  I love that it was just normalized like that.

Holden's easing back into things this week and will go to his second homeschool ski club this Friday and then skiing with Kevin on Saturday.  Lucky kid.


Speaking of skiers, we have yet another in our family, much to Kevin's delight.  Kevin and Ella and our friends Alina and Luke all went up to the ski mountain near our place in Woodstock this weekend.  It was Ella's first time skiing although she had tried snowboarding once before.  She was pretty reluctant and really wanted to stay home with me sewing but luckily we pushed her a little because she loved it!    She had a great day on the bunny slope with her ski teachers Kevin and Alina taking turns.  And Kevin had a great day alternating between working with Ella and hitting the bigger hills with Alina's son Luke.


Meanwhile Holden and I enjoyed a day by the fireplace being creative and reading.  We took a winter's walk around the lake and enjoyed the cold but sunny day.

Getting ready for next weekend!
All four of us got to see a crazy scene that could have been pulled from Animal Planet.  On a walk on Saturday we saw what looked like a murder scene on the iced-over lake across from our house.  Someone else who pulled over to look told us that a deer had walked out too far onto the ice and got stuck and died.  A local bald eagle whom I had spotted in the spring was having the deer for dinner (probably several meals over the next several days).


My little iPhone camera couldn't do it justice, but if you look closely or zoom in, the speck on the right is the bald eagle and the bloody carnage on the left is the poor deer.

Loving winter in the Catskills!

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