Friday, April 8, 2016

Volunteer Night

The kids and I had a great evening on Tuesday at a Volunteer Fair.

The kids are assembling hygiene kits for the homeless

My fellow homeschool mom and friend, Tanya, organized an amazing evening for local homeschoolers to come together to learn about volunteering opportunities in our community.


She had speakers talk to us about their experiences volunteering and representatives from different organizations come and set up tables to give us information on how we can help.  I was able to get a member of the Central Park Conservancy to come.  You may remember that we volunteered as a family last year in the park one Sunday, spreading mulch.

Decorating duffle bags for foster kids

Homeschoolers are in a unique position to be able to lend a hand any time of day, not just around school or work hours, which makes us appealing to many organizations.  We also tend to have more time to commit since schooling takes up a lot less of our time than if they were in brick and mortar schools.

We all left inspired and better informed about how and where we can help.  I'm looking forward to incorporating regular service hours to our schedule next school year.

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