Monday, July 20, 2015

Sweet Home, California

We're back in New York.  Back to the heat and humidity that defines July on the East Coast.  But oh, did we have a fun two weeks in California.

The trip was a little different this time.  We didn't spend a lot of time in the Bay Area.  Actually, aside from an afternoon in Golden Gate Park, we didn't even make it into San Francisco.  So if you're a local who didn't hear from us, please forgive me.  It's so hard to go everywhere, see everyone.  Our Christmas trip will likely be more Bay Area-centered.

I'll do a photo dump and let the pictures speak their thousand words.  So many friends.  So much family.  So, so many great memories.

Fun with cousins on the Fourth of July in Millbrae and celebrating Holden's 8th birthday -

Ella and Rowan off to sleep away camp for the first time!

Holden and I had a mother-son week together, including a trip to Golden Gate Park, a couple of days up in Davis, and the Lawrence Hall of Science -

A camping trip at Pinecrest Lake with Grandma Terrie and cousins Robin, Starry, Autumn, and Heather -


A visit with good friends Sara, Doug, Cristy, Mike, and Ingrid in Berkeley (and all kids) -


And even more quality time with Grandma Diane, Poppa, and Rudy in Millbrae -


As he often does, Holden seemed to sum it up best.  When we were driving to the airport in San Francisco, Holden had tears in his eyes.  He said he was sad to leave California.  And then as we were walking through JFK once we landed in New York, he perked up and exclaimed, "I'm actually really excited to be back in New York!"  I think all four of us have the same, mixed-up feelings, Holden.

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