Friday, February 20, 2015

Life Below Zero

Well, it's finally happened.  Since the invention of the camera phone I have gone a week without taking a photo for the very first time.  I sat down to write a post for you people and realized I had no photos to share of our week.  How can I blog without photos?  There's no point really, since I know that's why you come.

So I'll keep it short.

You've probably read that we're having record low temps here.  The mystery that I can't solve is that if they say the temperature is "2 degrees, with wind chill feels like 18 below" then why isn't the temperature just 18 below?  If it feels like 18 below, then it is 18 below.  Right? 

Needless to say I'm loving my silk long underwear and wool socks.  Especially since we've been walking Ella to her writing workshop all week first thing in the morning.  It's a mile roundtrip, so that's two miles a day with drop-off and pick-up, walking in subzero temps.  And truth be told, I'm not hating it.  A brisk walk in cold temps is better than caffeine to wake you up.

We were invited to some new friends' apartment for dinner last night, which was a nice treat.  Usually, the New York thing to do is meet up with friends at restaurants for meals since no one seems to have apartments big enough to host your entire family, but this family does.  Their daughter is in several of Ella and Holden's homeschool classes, so it was especially nice to get to know another homeschool family.  The mom is a trained pastry chef.  We were well taken care of.

Other than that, it's been a pretty mundane week.  That's probably why I have no photos to show.  Holden and I have spent our mornings while Ella is in her workshop catching up on schoolwork so that we can end the school year early.  All of their regular classes are cancelled this week since it's officially mid-winter break.  And Ella has really enjoyed the Essay Writing workshop.  Her teacher is a young, energetic woman, always smiling.  Nothing like Ella's regular teacher...

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