Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Here we go...

This is my motto now.  The Skaggs Family has a big change coming.  And before we tell the kids, before we start spreading the news to friends and family, I wanted to get some thoughts and feelings out on this blog.

I'm mostly keeping this blog as a way to keep loved ones updated on what we're doing and where we are.  But also as a record for Ella and Holden someday to read back on and remember our exciting adventures.  I want them to know things that I can't tell them now, like how worried I am about making them change schools.  Or how guilty I feel for making them leave friends and family they love.  And how guilty I feel leaving my parents.  But I also know that this will be an incredible experience for all four of us.  Living in New York City for a few years will teach them so much and give them exposure to so much culture and diversity.  I envision bike rides in Central Park, theater on Broadway, subway rides and ferry rides, weekend trips to Philly, DC, Boston.  I know they'll make lots of new friends and still keep the old friends back home.  If I didn't think the benefits outweighed the losses we'll feel, we wouldn't be doing this.

So as I sit here with Ella quietly reading a book next to me, oblivious to how her world is about to be rocked, my mind is swirling with lists of things that need to get done in the next couple weeks.  Kevin accepted a job in New York City yesterday.  We'll fly out in about two weeks.  Our four bedroom house needs to be completely packed up and stored.  Leases need to be signed, schools need to be registered for, and goodbyes need to be said.

Wish us luck!

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